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Off U Go!

Sustainable Tourism.


Help travellers find ways to have a positive impact when they are discovering the World.

Building an amazing community that share the love for travel and do the right thing for the planet.

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Join our community of sustainable travellers. We are all about Positive Impact.

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We are building a U Community and a way of booking your sustainable travel, while you create a positive impact.

We are all about Positive Impact while we travel.

"... And there could be more impactful ways the tourism industry could offset it, rather than the easy route of buying cheap trees halfway across the world."
Shivya Nath - Climate Conscious Travel

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Launching soon!

Watch this space!

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2022 News

UMWTO launched #rethinkingtourism

UMWTO approved in Bali plan until 2030 to reduce carbon in 50% and until 2050 carbon zero emissions in travel

Expedia launched in April "Sustainable Travel Study" launched in September "Sustainable Travel Report"

Did you know?

The Glasgow on Climate Action in Tourism says "Transforming Tourism through climate action is crucial for the sector's competitiveness, sustainability and resilience."

"73% of travelers want to make more effort in the next year to travel more sustainably" September 2022

"90% of consumers look for Sustainable options when travelling" Expedia April 2022

"Sustainability is shaping the future of travel" Glenn Fogel, CEO of